Lightweight Language Future

   LL で未来を発明する   


「未来を予測する最良の方法は、未来を発明してしまうことだ」アラン・ケイの有名な言葉です。また,ポール・グレアムは「百年の言語 -The Hundred-Year Language」というエッセイを書き,百年後を予想して現在どの選択肢に賭けるべきかを考察しています。


  1.  百年後の言語はどうなっていると思いますか?
  2.  1のために,あなたは今まで何をしてきましたか?
  3.  1のために,あなたはこれから何をしますか?


司会: 今泉貴史(千葉大学)

To invent the future by Lightweight Languages

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it," said Alan Kay. Since software will be everywhere in our future, programming languages are *the* tool to build the future. If you want to invent the future, it is crucial to invent the right language.

We invite five panelists from the front line of language design and implementation, and discuss the future of programming languages, starting from asking the following three questions to them:

  1. What kind of language do you think will be the best for the next century?
  2. What have you done to get the best language?
  3. What will you do to invent the best language?


  • Larry Wall (Perl)
  • Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto (Ruby)
  • Eijiro Sumii (MinCaml)
  • Yoshikatsu Fujita (Ypsilon)
  • higepon (Mosh)


  • Takashi Imaizumi (Chiba University)